Connecting with the community here

Ana Maria Nazare
Jan 17, 2023
Hello everyone, 

I would like to say hello and get some interactions with the other people subscribing to this values certification and share what the experience has been like? How are you using these tools in your practice, what is the feedback, etc. 

Looking forward to your replies !



Liz Peintner
Jan 24, 2023
Ana - I am happy to share - good question! I use the assessment and then a 75 minute discussion on values with new clients as an exploratory topic. It's helpful for me to get an understanding of their values before we begin coaching, and I often find we refer back to those discussions later when they are needing to recenter. 

I also use the assessment with larger groups when I'm doing a presentation on personal and workplace values. They complete the assessment ahead of the presentation and then come together to learn more about the methodology, talk about how values show up for them, and explore where they might want to honor a specific value more. We do full group discussion and then some breakouts into smaller groups, typically. It's fun and enlightening for them and I love to do those sessions, too! 

Happy to chat more if you want to set up a quick meeting on my calendar here:

Happy New Year!

Liz Peintner

Ana Maria Nazare
Feb 11, 2023
Thank you so much Liz for your reply and useful comments. I've booked a meeting with you for 2nd March, I believe we are on different time zones so it was the closest I could find where the hours match. Looking forward speaking to you! Happy New Year and best of success and health in 2023!